Ayda Tani عايدة تاني

Ayda Tani عايدة تاني

performance | 2023 HGB

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The music theatre performance creates new narratives around the characters from Verdi's famous opera Aida, questioning the eurocentric gaze that is still present up until today on and behind opera stages.

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Eindrücke der Hauptprobe am 14. Januar:

20230114 ayda performance hgb HP - teil1 space feel (uuuiii recordings).mp4 97.7MB

20230114 ayda performance hgb HP - teil2 HP (uuuiii recordings).mp4 90.8MB

20230114 ayda performance hgb HP - teil3 arien (uuuiii recordings).mp4 238.5MB

20230114 ayda performance hgb HP - teil4 room (uuuiii recordings).mp4 136.5MB

20230114 ayda performance hgb HP - teil5 in room (uuuiii recordings).mp4 157.5MB