RSK• FKTR ••-•

welcome to the official website of Risikofaktor.
we are collective.

ISFF 2024
intn'l short film
festival Detmold /

Wow, Risikofaktor once again has the great honour of playing at the international short film festival in Detmold. This time with Lisa on drums and Max on keys and Chris on bass. The three of them know each other from the days of Elvis and already enjoyed jamming in front of the big show back then.

Freitag, 23.8.

18:45h 15 Minutes
19:45h 15 Minutes
20:45h 15 Minutes

Lisa Türk - drums
Max Hagen - keys
Christian Jung - bass

isff-programm am Freitag

2024 fqtrdrsq

Il est intéressant de noter qu'il y a eu une merveilleuse réunion de trois âmes aimantes sous la forme de courants d'air, de lumière et de chaleur en mouvement.

Mile, Yves et Christian au Bunker Ulmenwall, Bielefeld

release of video still ahead
it was a bunker session

2024 itunes spotify

release of our original material
of first two 2018 sessions

feat. Philipp Kaiser - trumpet
Benjamin Laux - mastering


youtube link Meierberger

youtube link HCR

youtube | itunes | spotify

ISFF 2023
intn'l short film
festival Detmold /

it was a pleasure to be guest for two evenings. we showed up with three players (HCR) and had two short sets each evening, risk included.

link to the festival portfolio | the concert was streamed live to | thanks to everybody involved especially Yassin and Mile for the fantastic host and support.

06 no sexism 81.1MB

10 angel blade 64.8MB

11 fahrrad fahn 49MB

Henne Säck: git/bass/vox
René Pauls: bass/drums
Chris Jung: git/drums/bass/vox

OTD 2023
Radrennbahn Bielefeld /

everything was a race
so here are three shots of our funky jam

03 DreiMalMoll feat. Marcello 166.7MB

04 Kesselpfamtb snippet 28.3MB

07 HCR feat. Lisa Tuerk 102.1MB

featuring special guests

Lisa: drums
Marcello: violin

Mile: basses
Henne Säck: git/keys/drums
René Pauls: git/keys/drums
Chris Jung: git/keys/drums


2022 weihnachtssession /

>>> Alte Pauline, Detmold <<<

surprise 2022
in der alten pauline

part 1 of 4

part 2 of 4

part 3 of 4

part 4 of 4

Käthe Johanning: keys
Henne Säck: bass
Chris Jung: guitar
René Pauls: drums

Henne, René and Bhrist, the regularly working trio behind the project "Risikofaktor", produce and perform a unique blend of funky, electronic, industrial, and alternative club music. They are currently a three-piece, but they do collaborate with various other musicians over the years. Käthe and AlDelger, Mile and Lisa are part of studio and live performances.

still curious?
well then follow !2 through 2023...

or find everything from 2023 until back 2018
rskfktr23.html 202110 202404